An attempt to improve the way your car performs on the road can be as simple as a car battery replacement or as elaborate as an exhaust system upgrade. Car hobbyists can invest a great deal of money trying to get the most performance out of their cars, but if you just want to ensure your car’s safety, efficiency, and prolong its useful life, there are much simpler and less expensive things you can do.
1. Reduce the Weight
The heavier your car and its contents are, the more effort you need to put into cornering, stopping, and accelerating and the more stress it can put on your vehicle. You can improve performance by removing any unnecessary junk from your car that may be weighing it down. Old papers, such as expired insurance cards, newspapers, or fast food wrappers may not seem very heavy on their own, but the more they accumulate, the more burdensome they can become.
2. Upgrade Your Brake Pads
As you wonder, “What are the closest auto store locations near me?” in the interest of buying new brakes, keep in mind that you don’t need to spend money on a big brake kit to decrease stopping distance. Upgrading the brake pads can produce a similar outcome for a much lower price.
3. Change Your Oil
This not only means replace the oil in your vehicle on a regular basis; it also means switch the type of oil that you use to a high-performance, low-viscosity, synthetic oil from a premium brand. This simple step alone could potentially result in a 5 to 15 horsepower increase for your engine. Once you’ve made this replacement, it goes without saying that you need to have oil changes on a regular basis to maintain the improved performance.
More Ways To Save
While these are simple and inexpensive improvements, they still may require a small investment. You can improve the value of the money you spend by enrolling in a rewards program to earn points on auto parts that can be exchanged for credit.