Music can be a mood changer. If you’re feeling low, hearing one of your favourite songs can often help put a spring back in your step. However, there are very few songs that can overcome the sheer frustration of being stuck in a traffic jam. There is nothing more annoying than setting off on a journey for the cars in front of you to grind to a halt due to road works/an accident/animals in the road or for no apparent reason whatsoever. Having the radio on may help to distract you from your irritation (the blood flow may even return to your knuckles!), but there are also some songs out there which will capture your mood perfectly.
Catatonia –Road Rage (Anger)
No one has ever quite explained why the protagonist in this Britpop classic gives Cerys Matthews road rage. There isn’t any indication within the lyrics that she is behind the wheel of a car or anywhere near a motorway. However, the title and sentiment of the song perfectly summarises the feeling when you initially hit a traffic jam. This 90s ditty begins with ‘If all you’ve got to do today is find peace of mind…’, but I’d argue , it isn’t that easy whilst having the knowledge it is going to take you twice as long as it should to get to your destination. But if you’re ‘thinking you may be losing your mind ‘you can always distract yourself by trying to sing along to the song without putting on a Welsh accent. It is nigh on impossible.
Talking Heads –Road to Nowhere (Acceptance)
“We’re on a road to nowhere. Come on inside. Takin’ that ride to nowhere. We’ll take that ride”
The lyrics and tone of the Talking Heads 80s classic perfectly sums up the feeling being trapped behind the wheel of a stationary automobile. However, it is probably more a kin to when you have been in the queue awhile and your emotionshave shifted from anger to acceptance. It is inevitable that your mood will move on after time even if you haven’t.
You may also remember the iconic video in which leader singer, David Byrne, is constantly running on the spot at the bottom of the screen whilst the rest of the video goes on around him. A feeling you may be able to relate to whilst being static with the engine running.
Cher – If I Could Turn Back Time (Reflection)
The lead single from Cher’s ninetieth studio album (and this is back in 1989!) may be about the breakdown of a relationship,rather than getting home for tea on time, but the simple lyrics “If I could turn back time, if I could find a way” will make anyone reflect on the circumstances which led to their regrettable situation. “What if I hadn’t skipped the gym on the way home?”, “If only I hadn’t stopped for five minutes flirting with Tracey from accounts, I wouldn’t be in this mess”.
You may also have a flashback and be envious of the warship cannon that Cher straddles in the navy themed video. Thatwould be one way to clear the road of the vehicles sitting in front of you!
John Denver –Take Me Home, Country Roads (Longing)
You may not live in West Virginia, but anywhere will feel like ‘almost heaven’ compared to being stuck on the motorway. After reflecting on the current circumstances, your thoughts may turn to prayer in order to get you out of the situation and the ‘country road, take me home, to the place I belong” lyricsmay reflect your inner most thoughts. Even if you are heading to a semi in a cul-de-sac in Clacton for fish fingers, peas and chips.
Just hope it is the 1971 John Denver version that comes on over the airwaves, rather than the 2001 Europe pop cover version by Dutch band -Hermes House Band, as that will have you abandoning your car and running for the hills.
Yazz – The Only Way is Up (Hope)
The short red and black jacket, with cycling shorts and braces, that Yazz wears in the video may scream 80s, but it is the wide smile and upbeat dancing that captures the mood of when the traffic finally starts moving.
Just like Yazz you have ‘been broken down, to the lowest turn’, but now the ‘Only way is up, Baby!’ The perfect song for when things take a positive turn, but not so good if it comes on when you initially hit a traffic jam!
About The Author:
Flexed Car Leasing specialise in offering hassle-free and cost-effective short term car leasing for 28 days or more.